The FOBG is a welcoming group of friends and neighbours of the Burnley Gardens, including former and present students and staff of the Burnley Campus, who love gardens and gardening. We are dedicated to supporting the historic Burnley Gardens, and we have a lot of fun in doing so!
Dear FOBG members- Happy New Year! Here is your invitation to our first event for the year –
our most iconic celebration, the dinner under the Wisteria walk on St Valentine’s Day, which this year falls on a Friday. Whilst the wisteria won’t be flowering, the branches form a beautiful filigree canopy for this Friends get-together. This year there will be a short presentation in the dinner program, rather than a separate talk afterwards. The speaker will be our Patron Dr Greg Moore, former Principal of Burnley, chair of the National Trust’s Significant Tree Register, and well known for his broadcast segments on trees. As the whole event will (subject to the weather) be outside, proceedings will conclude at 8.30pm.
For new members this is an opportunity to meet other like-minded people, and for long-time members an opportunity to meet those they already know and also the large influx of new members following the two open days we had in 2024.
The Committee would love you to join us on Valentine’s Day.
Kind regards, Robert Wright, President
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Purchase the Burnley book here….
Burnley Gardens Their Design and the People who loved them written by Michele Adler
Media Release and further information